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160cm tall
1 yr-older on every 7th November

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Eugene Lee♥
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CHS Official Floorball Website♥
Joshua Lee♥
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Monday, April 26, 2010.

Hi don't have much to blog about today, but had a amazing English lesson today. Mrs Lim gave us a poem by Rudyard Kipling that i think is really inspiring. I hope you'll will learn and enjoy it as much as i do.

"If" by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blamingit on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or be lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give wy to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.

If you can dream - and not mak dreams your master,
If you can think - and not make thoguhts your aim;
If you can meet Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools.

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one tur of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your begginings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them:"Hold On!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch
If neither foes nor loving fiends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the inforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

I know its very lengthy but if you really read it and understand the true meaning of the poem and apply it to your life, you'll be one hell of a great guy

7:55 AM.

Saturday, April 24, 2010.

Today was a screwed up day. Theres no doubting that at all.

Firstly, in the morning there was chinese remedial. It kinda got the ball rolling for the rest of my screwed-upness, thanks to theodore and dave, who seemed to have many comments about Tiffany 티파니 that they really wanted me to know about.

Then me, brendan, ian goh (brendan's SJ fren) , gerrald, jia wei (also from SJ) and shao kang went to play basketball. At the open air court next to the tennis court. This is basically what happened.

PLayed match, ball accidentally rolled into the "adventure park" area. Some dude climbed in and this construction worker, who was chinese but spoke english said; "If you're ball comes in, go by the long way, around the fence to pick it up or else i'll puncture it. You don't climb over the netting that i took time to put up!"
I understood what he meant but what was with his angression? Puncture the ball?
It didnt end there. about 2 mins later Liu Chun(yet another SJ dude) came and the ball flew in after an airball by brendan (lol). As i turned to walk the long way around the green fence, i saw from the corner of my eye Liu Chun jump in to pick the ball. As the angry construction worker called out to all of us to go there, i tried explaining that the dude just came and didnt know that he wasnt supposed to do that but that screwed up guy just shouted "BRING THE BALL HERE NOW!"

I was pissed, lik seriousy pissed. I grabbed the ball and stormed to him, my 6 other frens behind. Below is our converstaion.

(I stands for Isaac, CW stands for cnstruction worker)

C: Pass me the ball.
I: (holding on the ball) That guys just come he doesnt know.
I: (Slamming the ball hard on the ground but he caught it damn...)
C: You all dun understand English isit?
I: (really starting to get pissed... being told off by a construction worker? WTF) I TOLD YOU LIAO THAT GUY JUST CAME HE DIDNT HEAR YOU!
C: That is a stupid excuse, your frens could have stopped him right? You could have told him rigtht?
I: He JUST came! We havent even talk to him yet!
C: Dont give me stupid reasons. I will be working up there, (points at the log =.=) what if some of my equipment drops on your head? Will you be responsible?
I: No
C: Then? How am i supposed to answer to your parents? Just tell them "no"? You are from catholic high, not some dog school or cat school (sarcasm fail)respect is given here.
I: (buey song liao) OK
C: If you dont have respect for me then you're worse than a dog.
C: I am not trying to humiliate you or something (to tell the truth i wasnt even humiliated on bit)
C: I coul have closed the whole DAMN basketcourt. Mr Lee gave me permission.
C: But i respect you all (ya right) let you all play.
C: I said if your ball comes in -
I: (cuts in) OK
C: (also buey song liao) CAN YOU SAY ANYTHING OTHER THAN "OK"?
I: No.
I: OK (he think he use vulgarity i scared arh)
(the whole time i was staring at him without blinking at all) (he stare back)
C: You guys have fun (passes the ball back)
I: (grabs the ball and turns away) (thniking: you have fun drilling your damn holes too)

The whole time all my 6 friends were quiet, only me talk back. Haiz could have done with some support.

AND THIRDLY, after that episode with that guy, we went to the ISH first floor to play basketball. Half court was being used, so we used the other half. We werehaving so much fun until eugene's class came. We were fucking paying match and then they start shooting their own balls at the hoop. Idiots sia. Their freaking ball hit brendan 3 times. My own frens (i used frens not juniors) Eugene and Joshua were there) Eugene wasnt playing and had enough sense to try and persuade his class to go elsewhere while Joshua was shooting and doing lay-ups. Fuck? Thanks a lot la.

Perfect day. Really.

7:13 AM.

Thursday, April 22, 2010.


Darrell's birthday just over, incidentally this is my 21st post. Had fun yesterday.

After school, me, ryan, lander (who jumped in last minute, not jump as in literally jump but joined us) eugene, joshua, you hong (darrells fren), derek, crenshawn and of course the birthday boy himself went to Pizza Hut for lunch. Eh who is missing arh, i thought got 10 ppl? Hmm forgive me whoever.

It was lots of fun :D even though i wasnt the birthday boy. Gave Darrell a SNSD album and poster. Not gonna tell you how much it was. Joshua, lander, cren, derek and eugene got darrell a SNSD clock, $70 bucks lol. Then i had to rush off to go to tuition.... Alone....

Lol actually after i bought the SNSD album to tell the truth i really didnt feel like giving it away... Like i was the proud owner of a SNSD album for a little more than 48 hours. Haiz but then i thought, if there was one person i would want to give it to, who would it be? The first person who came to mind (actually already in mind) was Tiffany 티파니 lol. Nah Joking.. It was Darrell. Not because it was his birthday or anything.

Have you people noticed how nice he is? He's like the nicest guy on Earth la. When you suan him, he laughs along and pokes you in the ribs playfully. He shares everything he has without hesitation, applies for sweets bought from 7-Eleven and spicy drumsticks from Pizza Hut. Do you ever hear him complain? (other than when he is really pissed) And how often do you see him genuinely pissed?

Anyway, cheer up Darrell

6:34 AM.

Monday, April 19, 2010.


Nothin special today. But i'll still blog lol

Blog - Blogging - Blogged

Bye :P

7:09 AM.



Nothin special today. But i'll still blog lol

Blog - Blogging - Blogged

Bye :P

7:09 AM.

Saturday, April 17, 2010.


Decided to update realy late in the night. Cuz i wanna keep my blog alive! Woohoo. Nah actually i waiting for videos to convert finis. Damn slow. Today was quite ok. Had chinese remedial in morning damn slack la. The teacher make us do comprehension for ike 3/4 of the lesson. Me and han wei obviously didnt do anything. We had a plan. So when the teacher was gonna go through the answers, we wet to the toliet together and instead skived off to the primary school canteen to slakc and eat burgers haha.

After that was physics rememdial. Got back my revision test. Tell you the truth, i was praying realy really hard i'd get top 3 in class. But when miss wong read out the marks "Highest 30... second 29 and third 28..." my name wasnt there... Haiz was very disappointed... So i got back my paper and did my corrections diligently, yes dilligently i found that i did pretty well. Full marks for MCQ and lost only a few marks here and there. Wondering to myself, how on earth did i only score 27... So i checked through AND WOOOHOOOO I GOT 29. MISS WONG COUNT WRONG and therefore i was 2nd in class. but without the chocolate and sticker reward that she gave those that she actually counted correctly for.

Then was training. I really enjoy training. So fun. Hang out with good frens play a game. What could be better? Played against argonauts again. But this time with a great keeper on our side :D Scored a rebound (very lucky) yea then went for lunch on my own cuz i was starving...

And tomorrow is league match against PSRC or PRSC or PCRS or PCSR, one of them. Dunno what it stands for but according to Crenshawn it should be a smooth victory for us as they claimed our last season's spot, which is the bottom lol.

Oh by the way guys, Darrell's birthday is coming up. I dun think we should waste time and money on that dude. Lol joke

9:33 AM.

Thursday, April 15, 2010.

Hi guys

Sorry for not updating again. It was due to unforeseen circumstances. Ok fine I was lazy again.

Today was another retarded day... Remember quite sometime ago, I accidentally blasted "Oh!" in a crowded bus? Ya who would have thought i would happen again today. But this time it wasnt my earphones connection.

So i was bored. Chemistry, what do you expect.. Played with my stapler, stapled 2 extra bullets out and then decided to throw them at Wei Sheng, in front of me, for no apparent reason. Big mistake. He whipped around and promptly grabbed my hand phone (which was on my desk as usual) and started waving it about, trying to get the teacher to confiscate it. Obviously he was just playing. No he didnt blast the song but he did something much worse.

So after recess, it was english lesson with Mrs Lim Choon Chi. Had a bad record with her after the April Fool's cockroach incident and today certainly didnt make it any better. I remembered i had league on sunday morning, meaning i couldnt make it for my tuition, so i smsed my tutor i couldnt make it and continued to pay attntion in class. (Yes i actually do pay attention)

That was when it happened. Suddenly the song "oh!" sounded thorugout the whole class at the very instant my pocket started to vibrate. If you were wondering what happened, Wei Sheng had turned off my Silent Mode without me knowing and my sms ringtone, was incidentally and unfortunately that very same song i blasted. Yes the full first 10 seconds blasted through the more or less stunned classroom as my teacher asked, rather unneccessarily "Whose was that?" as the whole class was already staring at the source. Me.

Even as i fumbled to press any button to stop the ringtone, i knew what wei sheng had done. Smiling triumphantly as Mrs Lim confiscated my phone amidst the laughing class, I couldnt help but feel friggin embarressed.

Haiz. Deja Vu...

3:27 AM.

Monday, April 5, 2010.

Omg, tiffany hwang from SNSD (Girls Generation) is DAMN HOT la. Zomg. lol my updated list of SNSD members according to merit.

1. Tiffany
2. YoonA (without the bangs...)
3. Tae Yeon
4. Seo Hyun
5. Yuri
6. Jessica
7. Soo Young
8. Sunny
9. Hyo Yeon

Ok, now onto my day. Had an ok day. Went to school, took quite a few peeks at Tiffany on my Ipod, went through Maths, compared with theodore Snsd photos, went through chinese playing lol. Yea

Fun part was after school, met up with Darrell, Cren and Ryan then went to J8 for lunch and bought my Tiffany handphone chain :D:D:D:D:D:D then had lunch at Pizza Hut. Went on a stupid childrens ride, sponsored by cren =.= many girls walked past, damn pai sehhhhh. The stupid jerking ride also hurt my back *sob*

Lol thats a bout it for my day, nothin much... lol bye

7:29 AM.