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160cm tall
1 yr-older on every 7th November

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Eugene Lee♥
Han Wei♥
CHS Official Floorball Website♥
Joshua Lee♥
Yi Shen♥


♥February 2010
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♥September 2010


Designer : -VANESSAx
BaseCode: Corissa

Saturday, September 25, 2010.

Damn down right now....

Just watched Arsenal go down 3 - 2 to West Brom. YES WEST BROM.....

But they played incredibly well... after they had gone down by 3 - 0.

Samir Nasri the captain of Arsenal for that game was my idol. He was the man that nearly brought Arsenal to a draw. His never giving-up spirit show clearly. He scored one goal which inspired the whole team to get back on their feet.

Then just before additional time of 5 mins, he scored again. Perfect composure. When you're faced with the keeper and ball at your feet which thousands of pairs of eyes on you, can you find the net? He could and he did.

3 - 2, 5 mins left to play. Arsenal pushed on relentlessly. It was the same Arsenal i had supported. Despite my hammering heart i was still amzed at how they move the ball, pass and crossed. 2 minutes left Rosicky volleys just over. Did they give up? No. They pressed on and nearly got their goal. But song just couldnt get the ball. in the end, the final whistle sounded and they had lost.

Disappointing, yes but inspiring. Had they played with the same intensity they had when they were down, they would have easily taken the match. Complacency? Maybe. I hope the Catholic High floorball team can learn never to take opponents lightly and to give your 102% every minute you are on court. The stage is set for that spark to inspire your team, bt dont leave it too late.

Okay on an entirely different note. Got back my humans. VERY DISAPPOINTING..... I sriously put in a lot of effort this time. I studied essays late into the night and crammed my brain full of information. But in the end, as i gave out papers to all my other classmates, i found, my ss essay score was 2nd lowest. On the other hand, my geography has improved dramatically, from a fail to b3. delighted and will definately work harder.

L1R5 = 13

L1 - English = B3
R1 - Physics = A2
R2 - Chemistry = A1
R3 - A Maths = A2
R4 - E Maths = A2
R5 - Geography = B3

Reasonably pleased but lots of room to improve definately.

Anyway you would have noticed my new mixpod. Put some of my fav songs in there. Do tell me what you think. Thanks for visiting...

8:56 AM.

Thursday, September 23, 2010.


Currently in the midst of script checking. And if your Sec 3 or sec 4 in Catholic High then you would now how boring it is. Well I am pretty satisfied with the results so far. And before I begin about them I'd like to apologise to the Floorball team for not turning up for today's sports appreciation night. My mum believes i have to place studies before everything, 1 month before my O levels. Heard that Darrell and someone else was being the MC. I'm sure he'll do a good job. Lol

Okay results.

Well I had a bet with Lander on 5 subjects. $2 each. And yes. i am currently losing. Damn.


1. Comprehension + Summary

14 / 25 + 19 / 25 = 33 / 50

2. Composition + Situational

18 / 30 + 21 / 30 = 40 / 60

Overall Grade: B3

Higher Chinese

# I failed so lets skip this section shall we? #


*Got into the Hall of Fame for this one. I think 82nd in the school. Though got many others same mark.

Total: 71

Overall Grade: A2


*The weightage of the paper has yet to be decided. Should the scenario of a 80% to Section B and 20% to section A, I would get A2 if its 70% to Section B and 30% to Section A then i would get a A1. :D

Overall Grade: A1 or A2

E Maths

Total: 80.5%

*The A1 mark for E Maths is 85% due to the overwhelming score of the cohort. Damn it....

Overall Grade: A2

A Maths

Total: 70.5%

Overall Grade: A2

Humanities have yet to be released. Wish me good luck.

7:40 AM.

Monday, September 6, 2010.

Screw my O levels.

It just had to be this year.

Same year that SNSD had to come to Singapore.

Screw my Life.

Its so unfair.

Why me?

Tied down by the stupid o levels, while others queue up to get tickets and autographs?

Was it something i did in my past life?

Or does whoever up there have a grudge against me?

Its not like i can fly to Korea anytime i want?

Its not like this is the only year you can come?

Its not like i have to have one of the most impt exams in my life during that time?

Its not that I actually enjoy taking exams?


Worse still.

They (Not Snsd) had to come earlier this year.

To a friggin night club.

That i cant enter.

They came to Fort Canning too.


8:36 AM.

Friday, September 3, 2010.


Yeap this is a NEW post.

Felt bad + Had some time on the comp + Lander pang seh me go play dota = One RARE blog post

Right, apologies for not blogging? I had to study for my Prelim 3 which is currently going on right now... Thus obviously i had better things to do than talk about my boring life in a post or run around naked (If you know what i mean :D)

Today was chinese and geography paper (part 1)

Higher Chinese kills. I totally didint get what the first comprehension passge meant. I spent lik half an hour reading the less-than-a-page-long passage and the questions didnt make sense to me either. Towards the end, I matched a question that i didnt understand with a portion of the passage which i didnt get either and matched them together... In conclusion, to borrow Eugene Chua's phrase, I so screwed, its not even funny.

Geography on the contrary was better much to my surprise. (I failed my last test... Its Geography! What do you expect? You'd think i'd actually have nothing better to do than study for geography) Actually, my gambled paid off. I focused revision on Development and it did come out. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Yea so thats about all thats eventful for today. Yes Lander is paying Dota now. Without me. Screw him.

*Thanks for actually tagging, JL...

7:19 AM.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010.


I seriously appreciate you people coming to visit my blog.



Why are you here?

When was the last time i blogged?

What makes you think when you come here, a new post will be there?


Dun waste your time...

This blog isnt worth it.

Why did you even bother coming here in the first place?

The blog is dead.

D - E - A - D



Dun waste your time.

Dun type it in ur url bar.

Dun even bother coming here for the music.


5:53 AM.

Saturday, July 10, 2010.


I've decided something. From now on, imma post as often as I can. And each post will be dedicated to a friend. I think friends are really what gets us through life and i really value friendship. "Friends will ride with you in the limousine, but real friends will get down and follow you onto a public bus when the limo breaks down." - from someone i cant remember. I think it was operah winfrey lol.

In no particular order of merit whatsoever. Today's post is dedicated to Lander.

The poor dude just came out from surgery on his knee so he has a chance of playing florball in JC 1. I seriously feel damn sad for him la. He was in the same class with me for Sec 1 and Sec 2 and we met thru dota. I remember inviting him to go lan and play dota, incidentally, it was me who introduced him to dota. Lol now hes much better than me.

Hes one of my best friends cuz hes damn reliable. You can rely on him for many things. Hes also damn nice to have around. He knows his limits between suaning and out-right teasing and even if we get a little overboard when suaning him he just takes it to his stride.I gusss we have a lot in common, support the same country for world cup, SPAIN FTW, both of us like to play Dota and both think that Mr Ee is the funniest guy that ever lived on the surface of the earth etc.

I hope, even if we go to different JCs next year, which will probably be the case, we'll stick together like before man. I sincerely hope that Dota and Msn will not be the only thing that keeps us together.

7:17 AM.

Thursday, June 24, 2010.

Continuation from the previous post, part 2 of my resolutions....

3. I'm going to stop saying vulgar words

Saying four-letter words out loud in public is NOT cool. It only attracts stares and unhappy glances from other people. I'm not gonna be one of them, walking around j8 and screaming vulgarities, it only give people the impression that you're lowly educated.

4. I'm gonna learn a musical instrument

Yea, i cant play a single one. But i plan the change that. After my O levels i'm definately gonna learn something. I'm looking at the piano or keyboard but i havent come to a decision yet.

Yea, until i think of more, that'll be it....

8:37 AM.